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Di antara keempat variabel, ada dua variabel yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi persepsi etika akuntansi, yaitu kecurangan dan lingkungan. Variabel lain terbukti tidak signifikan terhadap persepsi etis siswa. Di sisi lain, jenis kelamin juga tidak signifikan terhadap persepsi tersebut, sementara variabel mata kuliah memiliki pengaruh kuat pada masalah etika. Ailon, G. 2008. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Culture's Consequences in a Value Test of its Own Design. Academy of management review, 334, 885 904. Ameen, E. C. , Guffey, D. M.
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How is it that we can begin to see Main Street growing like a dream that no part of the American political dichotomy could refuse?Restructure taxes for minimum wage earning individuals and small businesses. Dont tax the rich either, just give them no incentive to climb the corporate ladder and kick it out from under them so that no one else aspire. Shop locally. Join the debate that is surfacing instead of sitting behind a computer. The secret is out, Occupy Wall Street is starting to become a beacon of light for all of us, the 99%. I am a 17 year old senior at Stuyvesant High School in Lower Manhattan, and I was arrested for Disorderly Conduct along with sixty other protesters on the second Saturday of Occupy Wall Street. As far as I know, I was one of the only minors to have been placed under police custody, and I spent 6 and a half hours in jail for following police orders and exercising my right to peacefully assemble and speak freely. I feel that the overall grievances of the movement are pretty clear and stem from the fact that the answer to each of those 5 Points is Yes. Using GNI coefficient as a measure of income inequality, our wealth disparity is now worse than Pakistan, equivalent to that of the 20s gilded age, and getting worse every day. Congresss wealth increased over 16% since the recession began, and over half of them are millionaires compared to less than a percentage point overall in the nation. They use inside trading to further their goals, and serve the monied interests who paid for their campaigns and lobby them, rather than their constituents watering down Dodd Frank to near ineffectiveness, stalling progressive tax reform, etc.
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So I do agree with what is being said and I do think we need to take control of the goverment and show them they arent doing a very good job but I dont have much sympathy for the OWS movement. People compare them to the protesters of the vietnam war and fight for civil rights but those people had an agenda and knew what they were doing. It just doesnt seem to me thta the people down in New York and other places seem to know what exactly they want. On a personal level, I do not believe that the 5 statements are true, and that all the problems are rooted in the evil government. The protesters that seem to believe that stealing from the rich and giving to the poor seem to forget one thing: the rich stimulate the economy. The common belief that they state that the rich are stealing this money from others with unequal job opportunities is falsified. In my opinion, the protesters should disband, as they themselves do nothing by protesting, only cluttering the minds of others with their false information that the government has wronged the people. I do not agree with the Occupy Wall Street movement, and although I do believe that the wars have contributed to the debt of nation is in, I think that the government is doing the best they can to help us out. It is not the middle class peoples fault that some people dont go to college and therefore cannot get a high income, it is their fault. A lot of what is happening is based on what individuals do, and what they are doing now does not help the government. By protesting, they are putting a lot of extra stress on the politicians that have enough stress worrying about the economy now.
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She recalls one of her early friends in dentistry school expressing concern that Jennifer might be being taken advantage of. She also heard similar concerns from her family. She was not in a position to appreciate what they were saying at that time. It just made me angry, said Jennifer. I thought that no one could understand the great things Landers was doing. No one knew the bond our group had. No one bashing him knew the great things he was doing in the world. When people brought up the comments of outsiders in their group meetings, Landers laughed about the judgments of nonbelievers. Jennifer was encouraged by Landers and the group to cut ties with the negative influences in her life; these were the people holding her back from true success. Financial ManipulationJennifer learned that Landers was offering a sort of franchise operation to his friends and associates. These businesses were set up in a six state area in the Southeast.
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Prior to the completionof this offering, we have been a private company with limited accounting personnel and other resources to address our internalcontrol over financial reporting. If we are unable to successfully implement and maintain effective internal controls over financialreporting we risk being unable to produce accurate and timely financial statements, our stock price may be adversely affected. If we do not effectively manage changesin our business, these changes could place a significant strain on our management and operations. Our ability to growsuccessfully requires an effective planning and management process. The expansion and growth of our business could placea significant strain on our management systems, infrastructure and other resources. To manage our growth successfully, wemust continue to improve and expand our systems and infrastructure in a timely and efficient manner. Our controls, systems,procedures and resources may not be adequate to support a changing and growing company. If our management fails to respondeffectively to changes and growth in our business, including acquisitions, this could have a material adverse effect on the Companysbusiness, financial condition, results of operations and future prospects. Our biometric products and technologiesmay not be accepted by the intended commercial consumers of our products, which could harm our future financial performance. There can be no assurancethat our biometric systems will achieve wide acceptance by commercial consumers of such security based products, and market acceptancegenerally. The degree of market acceptance for products and services based on our technology will also depend upon a number offactors, including the receipt and timing of regulatory approvals, if any, and the establishment and demonstration of the abilityof our proposed device to provide the level of security in an efficient manner and at a reasonable cost.