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They are both self contained compositions. As much as I am all for the much needed addition of , Ian makes a good case for why we dont need or similar. Dr Bruce often uses the following analogy when trying to explain :Dont think of as a magazine article. Think of it as an article of clothing, an independent entity that can be arranged in conjunction with other articles of clothing, but is a complete thing in itself. I hear you ask, Thats all well and good, Mike, but what does understanding have to do with adding new elements?To add something to the spec, you need to:Step one is to make sure what youre asking for cant be achieved with what already exists. This is exactly the problem with the proposals for .

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Building a treehouse is hard work and needs There are many tree house designs and you can get an idea from many online websites that offer simple but unique treehouse plans. You will also be shown ways to tackle most of the situations that you are likely to meet in planning a treehouse and inventive ways of solving the problems It begins with a section on basic carpentry and continues with easy to follow step by step instructions on building treehouses forts and huts. com. com Tree Care Made Easy A simple guide to building a treehouse. Assess how much weight your tree can handle. Ironically my husband hates to do this type of thing so I have had to figure out how to build a tree house Since I have not building experience at all this has been an interesting project.

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If you want to make your shopping experience a quick and efficient one then online is for you. Do it online or at a real store, the services and schemes provided by these stores are simply awesome. A lot of us are concerned about the identity theft when hear about online shopping. Online shopping is the process consumers go through to purchase products on internet. More and more consumers are doing the majority of their purchases online to avoid the hassles of in store shopping. These include information such as product description, payment options, cost of the product, taxes and shipping and return policy. The lack of studies on the overall online shopping life cycle has made products go from raw materials to the consumers wastebasket. Do you tend to shop mostly online or in your local high street?The technology used was called Videotext and was first demonstrated in 1979 by M. Aldrick who designed and installed systems in the UK. By 1990 T. Berners Lee created the first and browser, and by 1995 Amazon expanded its online shopping experiences.

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No judge was told outright to convict more people to generate more revenue. Responding to those complaints, Utah Supreme Court Chief Justice Christine Durham in 2006 appointed a task force to review justice courts. Two years later, the committee recommended changes in the law aimed at uncoupling the money and the judge. Durham laid out the case for change to the Utah Legislature in her 2008 State of the Judiciary message, citing concerns about a growing public perception that justice courts are vehicles for generating revenue. The legislature made most of the changes recommended by the task force, including revamping the method of appointing and retaining judges. Now, when a city has a court vacancy, a judicial selection committee screens and recommends candidates to the mayor. Judges are still appointed from that list by the mayor and confirmed by the council, but thats where their influence ends. Upon completion of their six year terms, the judges must face voters in a retention election. The new system has been a success, Schwermer said. Public confidence is up, and there are fewer complaints from judges about political pressure from mayors and councils. They dont have fear of any of the traditional ways of retaliation, Schwermer said of Utah judges.

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With a Ph. D. in American literature, Marc D. Baldwin has been writing, editing and teaching for 37 years. Hes published a scholarly study of Ernest Hemingway and numerous articles in various literary journals, and is president of Edit911. com Editing Service.

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